Building on 20 years experience in the scholarly publishing industry I set up my own consultancy in 2013.
Based in the UK, Tutton Russell Consulting provides specialist consultancy to a range of international organisations including publishers, societies, vendors, institutions and start-ups, with a focus on strategic reviews, tendering
and RFP management, society partnerships, digital strategy and innovation. In addition to competitor analysis, benchmarking and market positioning.
In an evolving and increasingly dynamic scholarly communications landscape Tutton Russell Consulting brings
an external perspective - supporting organisations as they explore new products and approaches, review
current processes, operations and commercial arrangements and refocus their strategy for the future.
Prior to setting up my consultancy, I was Chief Operating Officer at Ingenta (www.ingenta.com) where I was managing director of the Online Solutions Division. In addition to having a focus on all things digital, I began
my publishing career in editorial roles and have held positions at primary and secondary publishers.
I am also Chair of the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) Professional Development Committee and a member of the ALPSP Council.